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Using an XPS to Understand Surfaces Critical to Adhesion

In today’s blog post, we’ll be highlighting our lab’s capabilities. With the help of Rose Roberts, Ph.D., Senior Custom Applications and Materials Engineer, we’ll complete an overview of our x-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS), one of our more complex tools, and how we use it to research the chemical composition of different material surfaces.

What is an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer?

XPS is a testing method that can determine the amount of contamination present on your surface, as well as different chemistries. Watch as Rose breaks details of what exactly an XPS is and how it can help you better understand your surfaces and interfaces.

Watch the video as Rose Roberts, Ph.D. describes what the XPS is in more detail:


What is an XPS Used For?

The XPS is used to evaluate the cleanliness of parts going through a cleaning process, but more specifically, it can be used to visualize the atomic composition of your surfaces.

Rethink your adhesion manufacturing processes with Surface Intelligence.

In the next video, Rose explores in-depth what an XPS can be used for: 


How Does the XPS Work?

By shining X-rays onto your material surface, users have the ability to determine which elements are present and the relative amount of elements present on your surface.

Watch as Rose explains in full detail how exactly the XPS works: 


Who Can Operate an XPS?

Now that we know what an XPS is, what it’s used for, and how it works, the next question is - who exactly can operate this instrument? In the following video, Rose breaks down the expertise necessary to operate this instrument: 


Summarizing the XPS

For our final video, Rose summarizes the XPS and how Brighton Science uses this powerful equipment to help manufacturers better understand the chemical composition of their surfaces: 


If you would like to learn more about how manufacturers are leveraging surface intelligence equipment, including contact angle data, to control their manufacturing processes, download the eBook: Guide to Adhesion Science for Flawless Manufacturing or click the image below:
