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The Surface Analyst's™ Unique Method of Measuring Water Contact Angle

Fluid Deposition Style of Contact Angle Measurements

Measuring the contact angle of a fluid on a surface provides a sensitive and accurate reading of surface energy. However, methods of depositing the droplet and measuring the contact angle vary. 

Common surface measurement instruments, such as goniometers, deposit a single drop of fluid using an automated syringe needle. However, the manner in which the fluid is deposited greatly impacts the contact angle and requires precise control. 

Alternative fluids can be dangerous to the user and can contaminate the material. This often requires using a coupon or sample rather than measuring the actual surface of the material in question. 

surface-analyst-5001-ballistic-drop-depositionAdvantages of Ballistic Deposition

Brighton Science's Surface Analyst™ uses patented Ballistic Deposition™ to deposit a stream of micro drops that coalesce into a single drop on the surface. By constructing a drop of highly purified water out of these microdroplets, the Surface Analyst can take measurements on various surfaces—non-planar, textured, non-horizontal—without threat to the user or damaging the material.

The article delves deeper into this topic and compares the Surface Analyst and a benchtop goniometer.

To learn more about controlling adhesion issues in production, please download the free eBook titled "The Future of Manufacturing: A Guide to Intelligent Adhesive Bonding Technologies & Methodologies."

The Future of Manufacturing: A Guide to Intelligent Adhesive Bonding Technologies & Methodologies

Rethink your adhesion manufacturing processes with Surface Intelligence.